Circus Rider, painted in 1914, captures Kirchner’s view of Berlin as city that had an excitement and glamour but a stronger undercurrent of jaded artificiality and chaos. Berliner Straßenszene (Scène de rue à Berlin), 1913, huile sur toile (121 × 95 cm), Neue Galerie, New York. Ici, c’est la société bourgeoise qui est peinte par Kirchner. pay us small commissions based on any prints or paintings that you buy as a result of using … This exhibition pays tribute to Kirchner’s inventive genius with a focus on his highly individual approach to color, which he viewed as the fundamental building block to his paintings. a. African cultures b. Asian cultures c. non-western cultures d. European cultures. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Dans ce tableau (Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Selbstbilnis als Soldat "Autoportrait en soldat", 1915, huile sur toile, 69,2 x 61 cm, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio) le peintre occupe le premier plan, la tête et le buste tournés légèrement vers la droite.Son regard bleu profond sans cornée plongé vers un avenir incertain ressort de ce visage long et anguleux. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner est né le 6 Mai 1880 à Aschaffenbourg, en Bavière, Allemagne. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (6 May 1880 – 15 June 1938) was a German expressionist painter and printmaker and one of the founders of the artists group Die Brücke or "The Bridge", a key group leading to the foundation of Expressionism in 20th-century art. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, born 1880, was said to be inconsiderate, difficult and continually suspicious. Après avoir peint de nombreux nus dans la nature durant sa période de Dresde, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner éprouve un certain sentiment de claustration après son arrivée à Berlin en 1911. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880-1938) is one of the greatest German artists of the early twentieth century. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880-1938) is one of the greatest German artists of the early twentieth century. D. Primitive art reflected art from_____. It was from this time that his finest works were created. This is the currently selected item. Meret … Oil on Canvas, 200.7 x 151 cm. The Estate of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and their presence hold all necessary copyrights and licences for all of his paintings and other works. Stepanova, The Results of the First Five-Year Plan. Käthe Kollwitz, In Memoriam Karl Liebknecht. „Ich hasse sie, diese gemeinen und falschen Affen, die nichts können als stehlen!“, schrieb Ernst Ludwig Kirchner 1931 in einem Brief aus Davos an seine Lebensgefährtin Erna Schilling. Le Corbusier, Villa Savoye.

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